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I'm Adrian Iskra


👋 Nice to meet you

I’m a 18 years old Web Developer trying to glow in IT market. I live in a polish city Kielce and I’m still studying.

You can call me UI & UX Designer, Front-End Developer, Back-End Developer and also Python Software Developer.

I’m not defining myself by the work I’ve done, but by the work I want to do. Still learning, improving and bringing motivation to others.

Clean code is my religion. I put a lot of emphasis on making my code comment on itself.

Part of my experience map are two interships:
  • Paid intership with collaboration with nearly companies in Kielce, Poland
  • Erasmus+ Unity Game Development courses in Sevilla, Spain
Co-owner of the Afilidia Group company curriculum vitae

Meet a Web Developer for which the only food is <code>.

UI & UX Design, Front-End, Back-End planexplore.
UI & UX Design, Front-End, Back-End pubify
UI & UX Design, Front-End, Back-End afilidia
Python Software, discord bot reporter
Want to work with Afilidia?
Arrow right contact us here
Adrian Iskra aka Adriskk && Adison
Designed and handcrafted by me

Let's create something awesome!

I’m looking for opportunites to collaborate with people and companies, not just work for them. I want to share my designing and development skills by creating modern services you outsource me.

Thinking the same way? Let's collab!
Feel free to use the social media below in order to contact me.